
20 Friendship.png  

Today I checked in to an event on Facebook… it was my 20th birthday. Well I guess to be more precise I should say it was the 20th birthday of my church, so naturally, we had a party!

It was a great day to celebrate what God has done in our community over the last 20 years. A common theme of celebration, was that of friendship.

Many people shared about friendships that had formed that were beyond the surface, they were friendships of truly loving one another and being honest with each other. Friendships that built each other up.

Friendships that were built on Christ.

Like Paul wrote about mates:

Phil 2:5-7 NIV

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!

Sure! Nailed that one, what’s next?

Hold on, my friend just updated their Facebook status… “feeling hungry… pic of a yummy low fat low carb  low sugar low taste meal… tongue out emoji” … lol

Wait, in my relationships with others have the same mindset as Christ. Oh I skipped that bit, I thought this was just about you and me God. Do we have to include others in this? Isn’t this just about my journey?

In my relationship with others, humble myself (cough) and become obedient to death – even death on a cross (lump in throat).

Seriously I am SO FAR from nailing this it’s not funny, and if you throw in that bit about people knowing I am your disciple by my love for others….


That would be so much easier.

So, what you are saying is… ooooh wait, I just got a friend request from someone… let me just cyber stalk them to see if I want to be friends…

Oh sorry, so what you are saying is being a friend requires being a humble servant.

Sigh… that’s not altogether appealing, and more importantly there is no Facebook humble servant emoticon, so…. if I get a friend request from you Lord… I’ll probably accept, but I’m not sure I’ll follow your feed… Thumbs up emoticon.